

At Waterloo Catholic District School Board, Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) gives students the opportunity to explore, identify, and refine career goals and make informed decisions related to post-secondary education or training and next steps towards a career. SHSM helps students gain confidence in their ability to succeed and see the connections between their studies, the world beyond high school, and their future careers. Read more →

News & Career Info

What Are WCDSB SHSM Graduates Saying?

One of my potential employers’ eyes flashed when I mentioned SHSM as part of my schooling. My favorite training session was the electronics soldering workshop at the University of Waterloo. Take SHSM -In future you will look back and thank profusely – guaranteed.

Christina Pham, Information & Communication Technology

My favorite session was the Business Zoom Career Day – Various jobs exposed, good food, presentations were amazing. Co-op gave me experience in the world of banking and provided me with great references.

Ferhan Siddiqui, Business

I liked doing co-op and getting work experience, because I learned I truly want to become a nurse and I am passionate about the healthcare field. You also get free certificates, which would otherwise cost hundreds of dollars.

Heidi Ruetz, Health & Wellness

The certifications were the best part of SHSM. These certifications have helped me get part-time jobs and will be useful when I get a job related to Energy. My favorite session was Energy Efficiency Training because I learned a lot of useful things that I could use at home and it interested me because it was connected to the kind of career I want. SHSM will help you specialize in an area of interest, provide you with training that could get you any kind of job. It readies you for the working world.

Adrian Vander Vlugt, Energy
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